Wednesday 29 September 2010

Doc Martens weather

The weather is a bit grim today so I put my doc martens on this morning. I haven't worn them for ages (according to this blog, sometime in June). They were a bit dusty so I had to give them a brief clean before I laced them up.
It's a pleasant feeling, sitting at my desk in work, with the tall boots gently pressing on the back of my leg.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Another fun boot day

This morning I went for a walk in the countryside. I decided to put my wellies on, which was a good idea because it had rained a lot in the week and the ground was quite muddy.
When I got home I changed into my riding boots. I haven't worn these for a few months and had been looking forward to wearing them again. I was still wearing my jeans and the boots were a very snug fit, quite difficult to pull on. I really should remember to wear thinner trousers with these boots. I first noticed this back in May when I bought them.