Thursday 18 December 2008

Doc Martens

I'm bored but at least it's nearly Christmas. I'm sitting in my office, wearing my 20 hole DM boots. I hope it snows over Christmas so I can wear my wellies a lot.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Fake Converse Boots

I'd love a pair of the genuine extra tall Converse all star, but I'll have to settle for these at the moment. They're Levi's Red Tab, and they're a bit cheaper than the genuine converse. I thought I'd wear them with my trousers tucked in for a change. I wore them like this last night when I went out to the shops.

I've just put them back on and I'm going out soon to get something to eat.

Monday 8 December 2008

Blue Wellies

Given the choice, I would wear wellies every day. I can't, so I wear them as often as possible. I put my blue wellies on this morning when I went out to check the garden. I've been trying to keep these boots clean for indoor use but a few weeks ago I made the mistake of gardening in them, so I had to clean them this morning when I went back into the house.

Video of me going for a walk in the wellies last month.

I'm going to change into my boxing boots soon because I need to leave the house and go to work. At least I don't have the sort of job where I need to wear a suit, so I can easily wear boots or trainers without looking out of place.

Saturday 6 December 2008

A bit of gardening

The garden has needed tidying up for a while now. I had a spare afternoon so I pulled on my Le Chameau wellies and set to work.

These are the wellies in question. The video was taken a few months ago.